Hey! Welcome to Fabbxible's Website
We help you to integrate of 3D printing technology into your business and professional framework
Below are the product, service and project we are doing, selct the menu below...
"Can you recommend the best 3d printer for me?" asked by customer.
"No, but I can recommend the RIGHT TOOL for your application" answer by Fabbxible.
There is NO BEST material in the world, your job is to choose the MOST OPTIMAL material for your use case.
Understand pros and cons, capability of your 3d printer to print particular material are critical skill.
Therefore we have put together 'Material Pocket File V2.0'. Click the button above to download it!
Come to our physical shop, use 3d printer for free, no rental or membership fee required.
Just bring your laptop, slice your own file and get printed.
Success or fail print is all your responsibility.
We offer a free guide if you don't know how to slice and print.
This is our program to create more awareness about environment problem.
Send back the empty filament spool to us to claim your voucher!
Not only you won't feel guilty to throw the plastic spool, but you also get more discount on your next purcahse.
If you struggling with the 3d printing output, this Rental Program is suitable for you.
You will be able to drastically improve your productivity without putting lot of money upfront.
Besides that, we also have Rent To Own.
Click the button above for more info.